A token to save a democracy

Hello everyone!
I consider myself a cardanier just because I have a humble amount of these in my wallet, but I have no technical or development knowledge of cryptocurrencies. The battlefield of my life is to save my country from becoming the next Venezuela very soon. Together with thousands of argentines we will try to achieve in the next legislative elections in October defeat the argentine chavism, which is the strength of Cristina Kirchner. For this, we are building fundraising channels and the extraordinary idea of ​​creating a token or cryptocurrency from the CARDANO platform arose to serve in my country as a fundraising tool and at the same time, gradually transform into a reserve of savings and value for Argentines, who live in times of great danger for our democracy and republic. Could you help us develop a token from the CARDANO blockchain? I will wait for your response and I greet you warmly.
Dr. Ernesto Castellote


Hi Ernesto!

Could you provide a little more background on how/why you’d use a token as a fundraising tool? If you’re worried about hyperinflation would a cryptocurrency be the best choice? Perhaps fundraising via gold?

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Hello! Thanks for your interest in my post. I am not thinking of creating a token to combat hyperinflation in my country. My idea is about creating a token that means a future value for Republican Argentines who seek to unite and face in the next elections the government of Cristina Kirchner, which is the same as Chávez and Maduro in Venezuela. Millions of people could buy the token for pennies and that would help finance a campaign that today is impossible to afford for ordinary citizens. At the same time, it could grow in value and use large capital to fund work programs. Do you have technical knowledge about cryptocurrency development? Could you help me?

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Ah got it! So if I may simplify you want to mint tokens as a sort of ICO to fund a political campaign? I wouldn’t call myself an expert but that would seem simple enough to do. How do you plan on distributing the tokens? I can only assume the general population of argentina dont know about cryptocurrency?

Also in terms of a method of funding. I believe ICO are used for people to buy in and speculate on the futures of a project. Later on people will trade your campaign tokens similar to stock trading.

Please correct me if im wrong, wouldnt an old fashion campaign do better? The network fees may make it prohibitive to buy tokens with pennies.

Thank you very much for answering! I think you interpreted it very well, the difference is in the historical moment that my country is experiencing. We really wish we had a normal election, as in any democratic country, but that is now almost impossible. Although we will try to defeat a tyranny through elections, we will have to overcome all the traps and atrocities that they will do to retain power, while continuing to impoverish the people. In a normal election, two political parties face each other, but both are democratic. In our case, a wounded people will do it trying to recover their republican system and justice, against a narco-communist tyranny. The tokens would function as a trust reserve in the future of our liberated country. It would be very good if they are only worth pennies, and also if any citizen of the world can buy them. It is also perfect that people can speculate on it, because you will be surprised when you see your coin increase in value! It will even become a source of pride! We Argentines never had a valuable currency, they always depreciated due to the lack of confidence in their rulers. It is a long story. In addition, Argentines need to see something that gives them hope for the future. Everything that is done the old-fashioned reminds us of corruption and times of economic hardship. I know that many cryptocurrencies are born today as tools of just causes, some even have the mission of fighting poverty. I think about finding a way to distribute the tokens through social networks, but if it cannot be done, we can also use local or international exchanges. I think you can really help us. If we succeed, your life itself would change forever. I leave you my email: ecastellote@gmail.com