Adapools - Small pool filter

  1. What does the “small pool” filter on Adapools do? I thought it would hide pools that had delegation of more than, say 10m Ada, but it does not seem to do that?

  2. I have found that my pool (ROBOT), shows up on the landing page if you specifically search for it. But the moment you expand the Advanced filtering options, no matter what parameters you do or don’t put in, my stake pool never shows up

  3. Also as an aside - the plethora of colors they have on that page make using it very confusing to use.

I too, have some frustrations over this. Unless the “small pool” filter is not toggled on site visitors by default will not be able to find such pools. By default the filter is toggled off. For example, Arkano Pool, will not be in the search results unless “small pool” filter is explicitly toggled on.

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The small pool toggle allows to show pools with stake being less than about 202k ADA.

The reason why you still see some small pools when you uncheck the small pool toggle is because patreons are always shown regardless of the stake.