What I am confused about is that the last update said the following:
- The Parameter Committee recommends to retain targetNumberOfStakePools (“k”) at 500, and to reduce minPoolCost to 170 ADA.
- Based on the recommendation, the Parameter Committee will produce a formal Cardano Change Request to be considered for approval by the signing authorities. Wednesday, August 23 is the proposed target date for enactment.
Now in this update there is no mention of any change to the minPoolCost or a date for such change. This makes me believe that the goal posts have been shifted AGAIN by some individuals that have disproportionate control over the protocol compared to the collective community of stake pool operators who clearly voted for change.
We voted on-chain for minPoolCost to reduce to 170, by majority. However, we have not voted anyone in this Parameter Committee. The more this drags on, the more this process seems undemocratic, and I fear this is just tarnishing Cardano’s decentralised reputation now.
The original minPoolCost 340 figure was simply pulled from the air, so halving it to 170 won’t break anything. Why not let the community have what they voted for?