Cardano is the most solid project

Hello everyone, I am happy to be here and willing to help. I am Felix Gutierrez from the Dominican Republic, and I would love to help spread the word, among all Spanish speakers and latinos out there, about the Cardano project and its vision. I believe Cardano is the most serious and solid project in crypto.


Welcome to the forum!

Welcome Felix

Welcome Felix, I feel the same. It’s all gonna come out in the wash.

Nice to meet you Felix. I am new as well. I’ve been a long time fan of the cryptography used in Cardano and I think it is assuredly an undervalued asset in the crypto economy today. I’m glad you feel the same way.

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Welcome @Flx_Gut!

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Thank you!

Thank you, I am glad to be here.

I am a big fan of the project overall and their methods of development, this is a great team of professionals, just like the ones who worked on the internet protocol back in the day.

Welcome @Flx_Gut

If you have Telegram pop along to the Cardano General channel to join in the discussion.

There is also a spanish community on Telegram which you may want to join.

Cardano Official
Official Cardano Community Telegram Group

ADA - Cardano Español
Cardano Español.

  • Noticias.
  • Análisis.
  • Información.

Para cualquier duda @Etherman :ok_hand::grin:

Grupos Oficiales de Cardano:
:star: @Cardano
:two_hearts: @CardanoCommunityTechSupport
:computer: @CardanoDevelopersOfficial
:rocket: @CardanoTradingOfficial

Bienvenidos :slight_smile:


Yes, I am already in all the official english channels. However, I will join the Spanish one, thank you.