Cardano vs. EOS

Agreed on:

  • Gradual evolution of blockchain is the reality.
  • Good to look at all options to understand differential capabilities.
  • FinTech code is usually atrocious.

Respectfully disagree on:

There seems to be some sort of effectiveness in completely stupid software.

I’ve worked in FinTech for a while, too, so I understand your point here, but I think this is changing quickly. See my “Blockchain Patent War Coming” post, which summarizes why Bank of America has more blockchain patents than any other company on Earth. It also summarizes why I think the banking industry in general is weaponizing its collective patent portfolio to attack Cardano and other blockchain-based projects in the future.

Still, my impression is, that nobody can really be sure. Nobody can rule out one project and completely rely on the other one.

Fortunately, we don’t have to completely rely on Cardano because Cardano is building interoperability between all platforms. And we know this interoperability will be reliable and not crippled for strategic reasons because interoperability is embedded within Cardano’s core philosophy and operating model.

Nevertheless, it’s this reliable interoperability that will enable Cardano to be the “one platform to rule them all.” No other project can, nor will they ever, come close to Cardano in terms of interoperability because all the other projects have conflicts of interest that will fundamentally undermine their incentives to achieve reliable interoperability. This creates a virtuous cycle for Cardano and a strategic trap for all the other projects, from which they will never be able to escape without depending on several layers of the Cardano Platform for their interoperability over the long-run.

Those are a few more reasons why I have so much confidence in Cardano and zero confidence in EOS.