Deadly Wallet suggestion

I have two wishes.

First, can Daedalus be modified so I can store other tokens in the same wallet? For example BTC or ETH.

Secondly, right now the only way I can reach my wallet is to be sitting at my desk, on “that computer”. Is there anyway we can be able to access or wallet via cell phone?

I know they would both involve security issues, the fact that they’re facing the release on September 12, etc. This is just a thought

This wil take a while before possible.
Although, using a hardware wallet will enable you to hold all the keys of all these coin on it. You still need to use a couple of wallets but it is a lot easier (and safer)

Install the yoroi phone app and restore your wallet in it using your 24 word recovery phrase. You can use both wallets without any issues.

If you have other questions don’t hesitate to contact me. Happy to help.

Unfortunately I don’t have that kind of wallet.

I have a Daedalus wallet

Yes, I understood that you are using daedalus. But you can ALSO use the yoroi phone app. Your ada is registered on the blockchain and “wallet software” like yoroi or daedalus just show you what you got there and provide you access to perform transactions. So you can have multiple wallets looking at the same piece of the blockchain where your ada sits.

Is there a cell phone Daedalus software?

No desktop only. the only cellphone wallet I know of is yoroi.

Thank you very much.

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