
Night Thoughts
The possibility to reverse the direction of centralised structures to more sustainable, selfregulated, human, natural structures which disempowers the possesive functionality of territorial behaviours(territorial could be global) can be highlited as the primary goal of blockchain functionality. By looking around to other movements with the emphasis to decentralise again the basic needs of humanity : like water, energy, food, education, xxx …
and closing up the emotional research with the technical research and development …
realising the big gap between them(at Mars we probably would still be jealous) …
we see the only need for smart, joyful, healthy, coworking projects between future communities based on providing essential knowledge on human design building decentralised exemplary villages, commmunities with the ability to exist fully offgrid with the latest hightech small scale solutions financed and backed up by the original impuls of the bc inventor to disempower the existing banking system creating constant depth so controlling ressources natural and human …