Usage Errors Creating Stake Pool With Scripts and Jormungandr RC7 R7

@DAPP360_MIKE That makes sense, but it seems like all my requests aren’t being populated to the blockchain. I’ve done this process repeatedly since 7rc3, and I never seem to get funding to the test address that I’ve created. I tried the curl command a couple of times today, and it gave me a “No funds available in faucet account”, but I went to the Shelley test net faucet ( : ) and it gave me some Ada:

Your request has been processed successfully by the faucet and 10000 ADA has been sent to ca1s5k9nxacw0p2r5jkqv26e2yy3rhkaxypzrffupjdvwxqvsf2mcuzcdmmh0v. Remember that you will incur 0.0011 ADA transaction processing fees on the testnet.

Please verify the following transaction hash:


I’ve tried to search the Jormungandr Explorer for the transaction hash(s), but always get an error. I did follow up on getting back onto Telegram here (How do you contact the Cardano Telegram Admins?). Essentially, I created a new TG account, but I have to wait until the grace period is over before I can post. Also, this forum has very low limits to the number of posts and replies that I can have. So I wasn’t even able to communicate with them until that waiting period was over for my first round of use. I do appreciate your help trying to troubleshoot this, but certainly have been a number of bumps alone the way thus far :slight_smile: