Food for thought: What if Cardano partners with messaging platforms/mobile wallets to scale everyday transactions?

I was thinking it would be great if Cardano would integrate as a default (or one of the payment options) in mobile messaging apps like WeChat, Line or WhatsApp. They already have mobile wallets and I wouldn’t be surprised if they start applying for a banking licence in the near future.

I am sure with a sound strategy, they could be pulled into forming a partnership with Cardano. Now that would kick-ass.

Background: I think Payments Wallet enabled messaging apps are the easiest way to scale cryptocurrency to everyday customers. (Note: Independent mobile wallets are important as well).

Messaging apps with mobile wallet will become the communication centre of our digital universe. On LineApp, you will very soon start receiving IOT notifications from your smart home, and it would also be a place where you receive communication from merchants, loyalty etc.

LineApp (Korea, Japan, Thailand) is generating a lot of revenue by users paying to buy virtual stickers or virtual gifts OR take the case of WeChat in China where this messaging app has become the leading choice of MobileWallet for all payments (online/offline).

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