How to add new optional tags when creating a new Topic?

Hi everyone,

I would like to ask, how to add new optional tags when creating a new Topic? For example, I would like to add new tag for Indonesian language for my translation (indonesia-:indonesia:). But I could not find it in the list of optional tags. I can see that we have for example espanol-ES in the tag.

Maybe some forum moderator or senior member could help me. Really appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Best regards,

Hey @andreassosilo

As far as i know you can simple “create” a new tag if the one you are looking for doesnt exist. But to be fair im not sure if this option is only available for moderators/admins.

If you cant create a new tag, feel free to DM me and i will create it for you.


Hi @Zyroxa . Thanks for the fast reply. I didn’t have permission to create a new optional tags. I could only use things that already there.

Really appreciate it if you can create a tag for me [indonesia-:indonesia:] , country code “ID”, similar like this [español-:es:]

Thank you.