How to create a log of my node

Hi I was reading the loging guide here.

Right now I am using this command to safe logs ./ 2>&1 | ~/cnode/logs/outputfile.txt

But I would like to log the node with the guide. but unfortunately the log is not created.
“TurnOnLogging”: true,
Full path to my log is: /home/kulman_david/cnode/logs

THIS are the defaults:
“defaultScribes”: [
“setupScribes”: [
“scFormat”: “ScText”,
“scKind”: “StdoutSK”,
“scName”: “stdout”,
“scRotation”: null
THIS is how I am entering it:
“defaultScribes”: [
“setupScribes”: [
“scFormat”: “ScJson”,
“scKind”: “StdoutSK”,
“scName”: “/home/kulman_david/cnode/logs/mylog.log”,
“scRotation”: null

All I get is Listening on IP and when I check
cd cnode/log
nano mylog.log is empty

Am I doing something wrong here?

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try this:

“scKind”: “ FileSK ”,

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thank you it did work :slight_smile: