How to get the public_id of the node

if the config does not contain the public_id - then the node will get a random one. How can I get this random value?

If you’re on 0.8.9 , you can get the ID from node stats
(PS: The ID may be soon depreciated)

It’s returned by node stats now as nodeId.

Shawn Squid Pool

{JCLI} rest v0 node stats get -h {REST_URL}

blockRecvCnt: 32
lastBlockContentSize: 0
lastBlockDate: “54.42628”
lastBlockFees: 0
lastBlockHash: fbe91230b4f741890e4e8e3f1a7316b9ce783915eceef63b68ce0d4a3b3e1732
lastBlockHeight: “170471”
lastBlockSum: 0
lastBlockTime: “2020-02-06T18:54:33+00:00”
lastBlockTx: 0
lastReceivedBlockTime: “2020-02-09T22:02:52+00:00”
nodeId: 7fc16a1df7f432686eca167f42a163734af7512100a78fd5
peerAvailableCnt: 33
peerQuarantinedCnt: 53
peerTotalCnt: 86
peerUnreachableCnt: 0
state: Running
txRecvCnt: 1
uptime: 222
version: jormungandr 0.8.10-alpha1-d61172ab

v0.8.9 does not give back nodeid for me - will try 0.8.10-alpha