How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS

Happy Easter!!

Hi Alex,
Tx for your wonderful contribution!

Which files should be deleted from the server and stored in a cold wallet to prevent ADA theft ?

After u bkped the files u can delete cold keys from pool folder
And from the wallet payment.skey and stake.skey

to understand well what are “cold keys from pool folder” path?
and what else files concrete path

Thank you a lot! :+1:

cd $CNODE_HOME/priv/pool
cd wallet folder
Here u have 3 cold keys

cd $CNODE_HOME/priv/wallet
cd wallet folder
Here u have payment.skey and stake.skey

Don’t forget to BKP the files first!!!

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When I make ADA transfer to a desktop wallet I need to copy the files back in the original path and than delete again to prevent ADA theft ?

Apart from the fact that we need to “server hardening” as you described above, this is a crucial action without the operator can be left without ADA

Cntools also provide a system to “protect” you. It has an option to encrypt these crucial files.
If u want to sleep well u can download them bkp the files and afrer delete from the server.

U will need to add them back/upload to server each time when u will want to perform/sign a transaction

Hi Alex,

Awesome guide! Im starting my very own node from home and have been following your guide. However when I got to STEP2 - building the node, I couldnt get $CNODE_HOME/scripts/ -o to run. It doesnt look like the file exists in that folder. Did I preform a step wrong?


Should be fine; yesterday I installed a new node and it worked

What is the error?

A question in regards to pledge.

I created one wallet for rewards with 500+ ADA and a hardware wallet for the pledge.
When I registered my pool I declared a pledge amount 10k but my pledge wallet was 0.
Today I transferred 10k+ to the pledge wallet. I used the cntools to register the wallet (it asked me to do so) and delegated that wallet to the pool I created.

Did I do it right? Will I see later today in that my pledge was met? Is there any way to see via the cntools that I met the pledge amount?


Hey all… I’m waiting for my relay node to finish syncing… and for some reason it’s taking much longer than my Producer node. Prod node took maybe 8 hours, but my relay node has now taken roughly 48 hours, and its only at 35%. Is this normal… and if not is there anything I can do to speed it up? I do have NAT rules in my firewall pointing to the Relay node… might that be slowing it down?

I am getting the error at this command step:
$CNODE_HOME/scripts/ -o

Overwriting cabal.project.local with latest file from guild-repo (previous file, if any, will be saved as cabal.project.local.swp)…
Running cabal update to ensure you’re on latest dependencies…
cabal: Error parsing project file
unrecognised field or section: “<<<<<<< HEAD”

cabal: Error parsing project file
unrecognised field or section: “<<<<<<< HEAD”

U can check ur pool on

Should be fine


Do u kept the iohk relays in topology file?


What system are u using?

I just installed one node 2 days agoo and no errors;


Yes, I didn’t change anything in the topology file. I just went through the basic steps and am waiting for the initial sync. My prod node sync’d, but relay is still chugging along for some odd reason. Its progressing… just slowly.
I’m wondering if the NAT rules I added to my firewall are whats causing the slow sync?

Hi Alex!

I’m using Ubuntu desktop


It is possible, try to restart it (the node)

Pool vet isn’t working for me (Fail pool not found), but I could see it in adapools. Thank you again for the great guide as well as always helping everyone.

What is ur ticker?