How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS

Hey @Alexd1985 I’m having problems getting my gLiveView working, I’m getting this error

" Guild LiveView version check…

Looks like cardano-node is running with socket-path as /opt/cardano/cnode/sockets/node0.socket, but the actual socket file does not exist.

This could occur if the node hasnt completed startup or if a second instance of node startup was attempted!

If this does not resolve automatically in a few minutes, you might want to restart your node and try again.

ERROR: CNTools failed to load common env file

Please verify set values in ‘User Variables’ section in env file or log an issue on GitHub"

My node was working well and even completed 2 blocks before going offline and just falling behind. I tried a couple of things that you recommended to other people but it’s still not working. what should I do?

sudo systemctl status cnode

sudo systemctl status cardano-node

Thanks alex, I moved on because the rebuild didnt help thos missing files in my cabal folder. I am getting ready to bring a second BP server online in the coming weeks so hopefully a fresh build from scratch works a bit smoother. Is there a way to set up wallet recovery without using cntools?

Should be, the script is the same just that cntools has a friendly gui

Hi Alex,

I managed to link my BP and relay. In BP however it is still showing relay. Is this something I need to worry at the moment prior moving to step 5 for creating wallet ?


The node will start as coremainet after u will create the certificates later

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Thanks Alex for prompt reply.

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This helped tremendously. Many thanks.

I have my Producer and relay working and I’m able to verify they are communicating now.
I’m at 97.3% sync. Yay.

Scott H

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super helpful. I was just wondering about this. thanks.

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Hi man, I hope u are fine… I tested and I found the issue… is the cabal version now u have and u will need

cabal - -version

U will need to do:

ghcup install cabal
ghcup set cabal

check the version

cabal - -version. (U should see

Now stop the node and rebuild

cd ~/git
cd cardano-node

$CNODE_HOME/scripts/ -o


wow! thanks so much for looking into that for me. I’m not sure how i ended up with a newer version of cabal but i will give you an update after it is rebuilt! thanks!

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I tested with another PO which had the same issues and last night I figured out that the cabal version is not ok… with the binari files are added (cardano-address and bech32)

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hi alex when i setting up the node to start as systemd and run ./ in bp and relay ask me to set the topologyupdater process as systemd i select no for produser and yes for relay and other than that ask for
Deploy Blocklog as systemd services
Deploy PoolTool SendSlots as systemd services
Deploy Log Monitor as systemd services?
Deploy PoolTool SendTip as systemd services
please tell me which one should i answer yes or no for bp and relay

you can start all, but I started only SendTip because I want to see in pooltool if my Producer is synced (green) or not; if u are not using this option then you can choose N for all, because u can run them manually when u will need it; and ofcourse on future u can activate as a systemd if u needed… so it’s not so important this step right now
you can run again anytime in future the ./ script

more details here:

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thank you for answer reason was i see 5 peers IN relay i thought its because of this options

nope, the reason is the topology updater which announce your IP to the public network

so its healthy ?

yes, on Relay u need to have public IN/OUT peers
only on Producer u need to have only your Relay as IN/OUT peer

I appreciate your help so much

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I am having issues about using

  1. I installed cncli using -c

  2. I deployed it as systemd Deploy Blocklog as systemd services? = Y, Deploy Log Monitor as systemd services? = Y only.

  3. Thereafter i used the init command: $CNODE_HOME/scripts/ init
    I got the following message:
    Looking for blocks made by pool…
    No blocks found :frowning:

  4. Thereafter i tried to run ./ leaderlog. I got the following error message:

Error message: Remote API Error: error sending request for url ( operation timed out

I am really concerned about this - What is this? Why is this needed? Does this expose my BP IP now?