How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS

if you get the chance, i got everything up and running but it isn’t showing up in the daedalus wallet to delegate to. PoolingTogether (PTGR)

Your pool is online on adapools (I see it in yoroi) and pooltool (I can’t check in daedalus). Maybe it needs more time… Please check again in few hours


Hey Alex,

Quick question. I have reached the point in your guide where I am connecting my relay node and bp node. I modified my Producer topology.json file with the Relay external IP and the Relay Port. Update the firewall on my Producer node to allow tcp from my Relay IP to any port Producer Port. After restarting node and running ./ on my producer the status appears to be stuck on “starting”. When I view the peer analysis, I am not seeing my Relay IP to in and out peers. Both my Relay and BP were fully synced.

My relay node appears to have set up properly. I edited they file and added the Producer IP and Port to the customer peer

Any assistance would be appreciated, thanks.

When I stop and producer node and redeploy it…I am seeing this red text when I run the ./

“Looks like cardano-node is running with socket-path as /opt/cardano/cnode/sockets/node0.socket, but the actual sock
et file does not exist.
This could occur if the node hasnt completed startup or if a second instance of node startup was attempted!
If this does not resolve automatically in a few minutes, you might want to restart your node and try again.”

show me the topology file from your Producer… it’s something related with connections

“Producers”: [
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 6001,
“valency”: 1

your relay port is closed

Remote Address

Use Current IP

Port Number

Closed Port 6001 is closed on

if you have fw in cloud, you need to open the port 6001 for your relay

same rule for Producer, but for producer accept traffic only from your relay

ah so I would need to go to my Producer node server in google cloud and add a firewall rule for port 6001

yes, but only from your relay IP

Just to make sure: I did run,
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from RELAY_IP to any port 6000

and am seeing it
6000/tcp ALLOW

On the actual google cloud firewall rules, I added a rule.
openrelayport Ingress Apply to all IP ranges: tcp:6001 Allow 0

you can test the connection from your relay

telnet PRODUCER_IP 6000

if you see connected than it’s fine, if not check the firewall

: REMOTE PEER : RTT (ms) [1-1] │

│ 1 : : 2

I am now seeing my relay ip on my BP node

Appears to be working. As always Alex, you are amazing. Thank you for your help

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Very nice guide Alex. Thank you.
I am running into an issue. The registration was successfull and nodes are up, but I cannot find on adapools, pooltool or daedalus. Any suggestion? I modified the registration a couple time, each time saying successfull but still can’t find. Name: Dicfam01_ADA_pool ticker: DICF1


can u go to pool - show and show me the output? Or do you have any screenshots?


click enter and wait for the result

getting error: ledger dump failed/timeout. Need to increase timeout in cntools.config. Hold on will try again after changing

I am using Google Cloud as my VPS. I set up the google authenticator for my Producer node. I appears to have been done correctly. I have it setup with my phone…but I am able to get into the server without ever having to use the Google Auth app. Is this because I am going through the google cloud ssh client?

did u follow the steps?

  • modify the sshd_config file to allow 2Way authentication:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no 
  • set to yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
  • save the file
Ctrl+x y Enter 
  • restart ssh process
sudo systemctl restart ssh
  • edit - pam.d/sshd file
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sshd
  • add the bellow lines
#One-time authentication via Google Authenticator
auth required
  • save the file
Ctrl+x y Enter 


  • restart ssh process
sudo systemctl restart ssh