How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS

Oh, that screenshot just keeps looping to the same message when I run it. It’s like the node keeps restarting as I was just able to catch here:

Did u tried to upgrade the scripts?

run cd ~/tmp
./ -f

after this edit again the and the env file in case u are using other port than 6000

I forced the pre reqs, and added the info I needed back in to env and TopoolgyUpdater

However I still get this. Forgive the repeat, I was seeing if it still goes active and stops like before but it seems it’s dead after the restart?!

Perfect, we are closer, now show me the journalctl -e -f -u cnode

It seems it keeps looping this message

do u have other nodes uo and running?

I do. How come?

try to copy the bin folder from another node to this one

the folder is located here

cd ${HOME}/.cabal/
ls -l

then restart the node and check again if still not working u can try to build again the node

Is it okay to use Filezilla and not zip the folder?
When I move it over do I just hit overwrite on everything?

yes, it is fine

Thanks! Will report back results. After I move it over I just check the version and try to run it again?

check the permision of the folder and yes, just restart the node and check again

Well that’s embarrassing. My second relay ended up with the same issue but I’m not sure how. This time the status shows active but the journaling shows the same issue as last time. Also 1.30.1

hmm, try to rebuild the node for one relay

Alright, I’ll go ahead and do that.

It seems after the upgrade I still get the issue of the node not starting after the restart when I rebuilt the node.

Then I think u will need to delete the DB and resync… do u have any other node up and running?

go inside the db folder and delete

sudo rm -R immutable
sudo rm -R ledger
sudo rm -R volatile

restart the node and check in glive if started to resync… then u can copy the files back from another up and running server

from inside the db try to connect remote to the running node and copy the ledger, immutable and volatile folders

from db try

sftp -P xxxx (ssh port of the remote node) user@IP_of_the_remote_node

after login go to db folder

cd /opt/cardano/cnode/db

ls -l

get -R immutable
get -R volatile
get -R ledger

  • ledger is the biggest and it will take ~30-40 min

I forgot to mention. .gLiveView also can’t find a running instance. Do I still delete the DB?

Also I did zip up the db for situations like this, do I just unzip it?

follow the above steps

So since I don’t have a functioning node right now, just rebuild them?