Is marlowe playground not working?

is marlowe playground not working?
it makes compile error
who knows about this??

i tried to complie haskell code to marlowe

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Example where

import Language.Marlowe.Extended.V1
-- haskell을 Marlowe로 변환하는 라이브러리

main :: IO ()
main = printJSON $ mySimpleContract

{- Define a contract, Close is the simplest contract which just ends the contract straight away

mySimpleContract :: Contract

mySimpleContract = 
        [ Case (Deposit "you" "me" ada (Constant 15)) Close
        (Slot 30)

FailureResponse (Request {requestPath = (BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Http, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 80, baseUrlPath = ""},"/runghc"), requestQueryString = fromList [], requestBody = Just ((),application/json;charset=utf-8), requestAccept = fromList [application/json;charset=utf-8,application/json], requestHeaders = fromList []), requestHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, requestMethod = "POST"} (Response {responseStatusCode = Status {statusCode = 500, statusMessage = "Internal Server Error"}, responseHeaders = fromList [("Content-Type","text/plain; charset=utf-8"),("Date","Fri, 09 Dec 2022 06:54:21 GMT"),("Server","Warp/3.3.19"),("Transfer-Encoding","chunked")], responseHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, responseBody = "Something went wrong"})

and could you recommed any good ref for study??