Lucky [777] Pool

Ticker: 777
Pledge: 18K
Fixed Fee: 340 (min)
Variable Fee: 0%
Website: lucky777[dot]io
Mobile App: Lucky 777 Pool
Contact: Telegram: @Lucky777Pool Twitter: @Lucky777Ada Email: besomonstro[at]
Pool ID: e542f88759c997c8a3357a542efbf00c85405baea7f6006b3b344160

Hello Cardano community! We would like to introduce our pool and let you know a bit about ourselves and our initiative.

We plan to innovate in the mobile application space for our Cardano community, so Pools and their pledgers can have a more intimate, interactive and clear communication.

Our goal is to offer an open source white-label mobile application framework paired with a server side worker which relays up to date information about the pool.

The first step is releasing our own application, learn what is useful and what is not then remove the obvious and keep the meaningful.

The first version of this white-label application framework will be tied to external services that automates or facilitates certain features e.g., analytics, no-SQL database, blockchain info. All of the services chosen have a free tier and are tied to the pool operators account.

The final goal would be for a Pool operator to be able to fill some configuration files, create a couple of free accounts, and be able to spin up a mobile application that shows their current Pool parameters, and allows the users and operator to communicate e.g., announcements, likes, etc…

We believe that by giving the tools to Pool operators to communicate with their pledgers in a convenient way it will increase trust which then translates to various positive outcomes.

Aside from this, we are true believers in Cardano and their end goal. Thus, we ONLY increase our pledge (monthly), and have a margin of 0% for 2022 to show our commitment to our goal and the community!

It has been hard to attract new delegators (we all SPOs know this u_u), that’s why we opted to use CNFTs as tokens of appreciation to our delegators who can receive them free in our weekly random draws.

Thank you for your time, and we’ll try our best to contribute something meaningful to our community.