My Yoroi iOS wallet is empty after private key reinstall and open with ledger process

My Yoroi iOS wallet is empty after private key reinstall and open with ledger process.
I haven’t touched ledger or my Yoroi account in about 3 month and I’ve been seeing zero balance after after reinstalling a few times and opening with ledger. Any help would be greatly appreciated

A lot of people seem to have issues with Yoroi, lately. Something with updates or maintenance. :woman_shrugging:

If you know one of your addresses, you can always check on that the “Controlled Total Stake” still matches the wallet balance that you expect.

You can wait for Yoroi’s issues to settle and try “Resync Wallet” (under “Settings” – “Wallet”) from time to time.

You can also connect your Ledger to one of the other wallet apps –,, Daedalus, … – and see if it works there (or you even like them more for the long term).

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Did you use your seed phrase to restore your wallet on Yoroi?

Thank you for the response. I don’t know the addresses as of yet but I’ll be doing it soon

Yes I did use the seed phrase about six or seven times now or showing up with an empty wallet

You simply have to add a new wallet and connect it with your Ledger.

Your seedphrase is now compromised and i recommand you to create a new seedphrase as soon as you regained access to your funds.

Is there a normal amount of time for yoroi to sync? I had to remove my wallet and readd it (using a ledger). Nows it’s been syncing for hours. Any idea what a normal time to sync is?

Yoroi has some syncing error issues right now.

You can connect your Ledger via any other wallet like Adalite or Typhon in the meantime.

Good to know thank you! Just curious if you know… I participated in a ISPO with my ledger connected to Yoroi. If I import that to Adalite or Typhon, would I still be able to claim my ISPO tokens? And if I import to Nami, would I be able to? I know Nami is different because it only uses 1 address, not the different eUTXOs like Yoroi… not sure if that matters. Thanks in advance!

Yep because you are always using the same seedphrase (keys).

That’s what I figured but wasn’t as sure for a wallet like Nami. Thank you so much!

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If you use Nami and the others at the same time, you will not see all funds and tokens in Nami, but only the ones on the first address.

But you will never lose access to all of them, they are just not accessible in Nami, but always with the others. has a switch to use the same method as Nami, so that they are interoperable.

That helps explain it thanks! I have heard of some complications with using nami and yoroi, I think this explains it. Thanks!

Crap… thanks Zyroxa. Is there an iOS wallet that I can download to see if I can transfer the funds to there from ledger?

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Id use an exchange to park them safe for the time until you create a new seed phrase.

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Thanks again. Now the funds are showing up in the yoroi wallet and disappearing when I go to the send page