Need help identifying why I am missing blocks

run ./ sync

That doesn’t do anything.

I may need to redownload the script or something.

Ok, let me test on my relay and I will provide u the steps…

cardano/cnode$ cd guild-db/
user@vmi438734:/opt/cardano/cnode/guild-db$ cd cncli
user@vmi438734:/opt/cardano/cnode/guild-db/cncli$ ls -l
total 3650744
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user  3738361856 Jan 15 22:48 cncli.db
user@vmi438734:/opt/cardano/cnode/guild-db/cncli$ rm cncli.db 
user@vmi438734:/opt/cardano/cnode$ cd scripts
user@vmi438734:/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts$ ./ sync
Checking for script updates...
 2022-02-06T04:45:11.935Z INFO  cncli::nodeclient::sqlite >  Create database at version 1...
 2022-02-06T04:45:11.937Z INFO  cncli::nodeclient::sqlite > Upgrade database to version 2...
 2022-02-06T04:45:11.937Z INFO  cncli::nodeclient::sqlite > Upgrade database to version 3...
 2022-02-06T04:45:12.003Z WARN  cardano_ouroboros_network::protocols::chainsync > rollback to slot: 4492799
 2022-02-06T04:45:12.005Z INFO  cardano_ouroboros_network::protocols::chainsync > block 4490511 of 6847287, 65.58% synced
 2022-02-06T04:45:16.940Z INFO  cncli::nodeclient::sqlite                       > Start nonce calculation for mainnet.
 2022-02-06T04:45:17.523Z INFO  cardano_ouroboros_network::protocols::chainsync > block 4500335 of 6847288, 65.72% synced
 2022-02-06T04:45:23.088Z INFO  cardano_ouroboros_network::protocols::chainsync > block 4511538 of 6847288, 65.89% synced
 2022-02-06T04:45:28.649Z INFO  cardano_ouroboros_network::protocols::chainsync > block 4522188 of 6847288, 66.04% synced
 2022-02-06T04:45:34.224Z INFO  cardano_ouroboros_network::protocols::chainsync > block 4532111 of 6847289, 66.19% synced

as u can see I deleted the file cncli.db and now the cncli DB it’s resyncing

Doesn’t do anything after deleting

I may need a new script, when I updated it stopped working. I tried and it still doesnt do anything

Alright used ./prereqs -c

Also should I be running a specific version of GHCUP / GHC / CABAL ?

after running prereqs -c I still get a blank reponse:

Nope, it’s fine… aa yes, with -c u will update the cncli version

Still getting a blank response:


Do I need to change the “change me” in Relay


Nope, u don’t need to do nothing

Okay do you know how I can get my CNCLI.SH working? It works fine on my relay, but stopped on block after saying a tmp file was missing.

Which tmp file?

I tried running and it gave me a promp that said cncli.tmp was missing and asked to download an updated version, so I said yes. Since then I have not been able to get to work.

I can try copying my relay cncli.db to my block

Nope, but u can try to restart the all server

I just restarted both ill see if I can get working (I copied my relay cncli.db to my block should I not do that?)

u must re-sync the cncli database… will be more acurate
I just check and I don’t see any tmp file… try to copy also the script

ok, check if u have the cncli folder inside tmp folder, if not create one

user@vmi438734:/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts$ cd /tmp
user@vmi438734:/tmp$ ls -l
total 228
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  10116 Jan  7 20:09 build-b32-caddr.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 171981 Jan  7 20:30 build.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   1418 Jan  7 20:09 cabal-build.log
drwxr-xr-x 4 user user   4096 Jan 25 16:09 cnode
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user  21879 Jan 31 18:25 libsodium.log
drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root       4096 Jan  7 22:35 monitoring
drwx------ 3 root     root       4096 Jan  7 19:30 systemd-private-b114034c851642aea2c4100b86fdbfaf-chrony.service-EqDIZm
drwx------ 3 root     root       4096 Jan  7 19:30 systemd-private-b114034c851642aea2c4100b86fdbfaf-systemd-resolved.service-4luVPr
user@vmi438734:/tmp$ cd cnode
user@vmi438734:/tmp/cnode$ ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan  8 20:08 cncli
drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 25 16:13 cntools
user@vmi438734:/tmp/cnode$ cd cncli

user@vmi438734:/tmp/cnode/cncli$ ls -l
total 0
user@vmi438734:/tmp/cnode/cncli$ pwd


I made the cncli folder

I copied my from relay to block and it doesn’t do anything. Still blank result:

I Copied cncli.db from my relay


Restarted node, going to see if it will work.

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@Alexd1985 still nothing

Really need help figuring out whats going on.

Can u try ./ init for example?


Try ls -l | grep cncli (here inside scripts folder)
and nano env and share the first 6 lines
