Please Share Your Grafana Dashboards For Cardano-Node

This is correct, your BP should be only connected to your relays, which in turn connect to the wider network;

Your backup BP should be running “passive” eg with no keys as having two BPs registered and minting simultaneously is a big no-no. I would have the backup configured and ready to go in case of need, maybe even with an automation to spin it up when necessary, but not running in parallel. this will save you ongoing server costs as well (provided your backup is in a discrete VM, which it should be or it might as well not exist);

No problem at all @os11k , happy to help;


The output from leaderlog shows you have no active stake "activeStake": 0, no assigned slots "assignedSlots": [] and an expected null performance "maxPerformance": null,

Just to clarify on the reasons why this may be and answer your question above:

My pool on mainnet [RABIT], currently has 400K $ADA staked to it. It’s expected performance is 0.4 blocks per epoch (5 days). This means essentially 4 blocks every 10 epochs. To consistently be assigned at least one slot to mint into every epoch, the stake would have to be 3-4 times higher (eg 1.2-1.6M $ADA). This is not to say that the pool is then GUARANTEED to mint one block per epoch, but the expectation is there and over time it will average that figure (eg some epochs it will be assigned 2 slots, some none, etc). You can see the performance of my pool here (to get a feel for what I mean): [RABIT] Rabbitholepools - stake pool

So essentially, with 1.5K tADA staked, your sigma is so low that being assigned a slot may take months. I and other SPOs had the same issue on Testnet about a year ago when I started: the faucet just didn’t provide enough funds to properly evaluate performance. You may be able to apply for more tADA or ask fellow Testnet operators to stake to your pool just for testing. I and others skipped this step once we were satisfied that the pools were technically sound and moved to mainnet. Naturally back then $ADA was at 0.1 AUD, so I managed to get enough delegation to have a small pool. These days it may be a tad harder given that $ADA is now at 3 AUD (more capital required).

One thing worth noting is that both IOG and CF have a rotation program to delegate 3M and 15M $ADA every three months to pools that meet certain criteria. You can find more info about these programs here:

CF: Cardano Foundation announces its delegation methodology - CLOSED - #210 by Alexd1985

Let me know if you need more help to get your operation going.

Best regards,

PS: the reason why your active stake still shows 0, instead of 1498 is possibly because delegation preferences take 2 epochs to come into play.

PPS: if you don’t see your pool in Daedalus testnet, you may need to wait (the metadata server is notoriously slow) or you may have botched the registration (in this case try to re-register). You may also be able to check your pool here: (down the bottom left is the button to switch to Testnet view).