Pool not showing in Daedalus

my pool is showing in poolio but for some reason, not in Daedalus.

poolid is - 5dd366d7c63c0f54a9890987a63e0965c6bfb8cd63c7edae5d0311f4

i followed coincashew pretty closely - i feel this section of the directions is the issue, since i am a bit confused about it…

“Create relay-topology_pull.sh script which fetches your relay node buddies and updates your topology file.”

specifically this bit…


i thought i was supposed to firewall off 6000 from outside, destined for block producing node? do i need to open it temporarily or something? should i be putting relay for that?? because 6000 is open to the world from relay.

i did pool.vet, and get this result…

Relay node relay1.ratiostaking.com:6000 is missing in [topology.json]

topologyupdater log looks ok imho…
“glad you’re staying with us”

It can take a few days for daedalus to show your pool. And sometimes a similar amount for the topology updater list to be updated. As long as your nodes are operating right and processing transactions then it’ll show up.

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I’ve had a pool running for a couple days and can see it in pooltool, adapools, and yoroi wallet. However, I’m not seeing it in Daedalus. I read somewhere that daedalus is moderating the pools that show up in daedalus, which I assume means there is some filtering process. Is this the reason it does not show or is there just a lag time of several days as you mention?

My ticker symbol is WOOF.


Lo and behold, my pool showed up on Daedalus this morning. From the time I synchronized my relay topology files with peers, it took about 3 days after that to see the pool show on Daedalus wallet.

I guess patience is a virtue after all. :wink:

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