Representative democracy is a failed system, why reimplement it in Cardano?

If a crypto anarchist and a boring green-center-left reform believer agree, there has to be something to it. :grin:

My proposal for solving this in a permissionless way was:

That was originally posted in Everything that's wrong with Catalyst regarding Catalyst. But I think, it could also work for Cardano governance if the votes get more complicated than a couple of yes/no decisions.

The Catalyst dRep concept seems even more broken to me. As far as I understood it, the dReps are not even encouraged to vote on all proposals, which then requires for me to decide which “challenge” or subset of proposals I find important, because my voting power would only be used for that, but not for the rest. (If the dReps even publish in that detail what they intend to do. And if they then even do what they said that they intended to.)