SecureKey, IBM, Cardano

Can anyone explain to me how Cardano’s more open platform and solutions compare to the systems being developed by SecureKey?

Do you think Cardano will be disrupting these established businesses in 2020, or are they just going to fall behind? I love what Cardano is doing, but it seems like all the great ideas they ‘plan’ to implement, will already be in widespread use by other competitors by the time they hit the market.

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This is a huge endeavour and not goin to be done over night having great teams like Cardano in the space can only make it better . There won’t be one product globally used as you won’t have one currency for the globe there’s lots of different things that can still be accomplished, think and hodl long term ( interesting article though)

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I agree Dan, and I am investing in and holding Ada. Over half of all my investments are with Ada, and I’m just trying to make sure i’m not being foolish expecting Cardano to do everything, and do it better then everyone else… I know with near certainty that blockchain technology in general is going to be huge in a few years, but it’s not so easy to predict what companies will be a good return on investment. I think, as probably most in these fourums do, that Cardano will be a huge player in the future of blockchain technology… but then I realize while we all trade these little crypto coins that no body has heard of yet, the major players (governments, banks, IBM, etc.) are already rolling out well built solutions to the same types of problems Cardano is hoping to solve.)

I’m not trying to throw shade at Cardano, more hoping someone can provide solid reasons why I should continue putting money into Ada and Cardano, and why it will be a good long term investment.

another way to put it: I think Cardano and the Ada coin beat out all the competition (from the crypto coins you can currently buy on exchanges) but will they also be successful against all the closed blockchain projects that are being developed that are well funded and not selling crypto coins or tokens to the public because they don’t need any additional funding.

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Also, when I think of IBM working on creating a closed system of identification for the government, I can’t help but think of their history in this area…


True , governments will eventually make there own but I think much like how bitcoin has first move advantage over other currencies , crypto currencies have first move over a central digital coin which prob won’t come out for 5yrs or more Imo. Not only that but censorship will remain the same way where a scenario where you have Assange where visa would not allow payments be sent to him so he turned to bitcoin . One day everything will prob be digitized but I imagine it’s all 10 yrs + down the road to fully have a functioning economy in a digital format around the globe and then will I be able to spend my own currency in different countries or will people turn to these crypto currencies instead of going to bank to pay them fees. Maybe Cardano and a whole bunch of currencies will be like copper wires in house , you don’t see it but throw on a switch and you have light . Hard to say what will come of all this but definitely interesting to see how it works out.

At the very least some of the poorest and undeveloped banking countries will entirely skip over a phase and come to a new digital age , gonna be interesting


That’s what I’m really interested in, I love the idea of 3rd world laborers being able to invest $2.00 USD into ICO’s or dapps that make their life easier, and then earning a nice profit from their investment. (or even accessing microloans to invest if they are starting with zero) The traditional “investor class” has rigged the game for long enough, it’s time to open up access to capital.


Well said totally agree with you

I agree.
The development of cardano is getting too late.
I am also ADA coin investor and I want to get high value.
I know Cardano is working hard.
But Cardano have to participate in partnership, publicity and price competition.

The future is hard to predict.
But the reasons I think closed source projects will have trouble threating Cardano are -

Public Sector

Nations simply will not be agile enough to compete in this scene. They will have to observe and follow, which is convenient for them. See Venezuela and Belarus as examples of countries that attempt agility…
Of course regulatory and political atmosphere will be crucial, but I think the US & China
are the only two nations with the potential to really affect the global atmosphere.

Private Sector

Here Cardano will find worthy adversaries. IBM and any other ‘state-hand-holding’ enterprises will have trouble keeping up because of the former, but smaller agile startups with corporate backing could certainly compete. The risk is doubled because our competition can always copy Cardano and try to emulate any advantage we come up with.


Used here as a very general term for what you call closed source competition, and probably the only ones who can play on Cardano’s level, and they play dirty. Our salvation in this aspect is clear -
All corporations want the same thing : Profit
They will target capital intensive markets (US, Europe, China, Japan) and will only care about the bottom line. In the meantime Cardano will be free to grow rampant in developing nations (SEA, India, South America, Africa).

I believe in the first years we should yield before the interests of centralized money and exercise guerrilla tactics. The verse by Emma Lazarus would not ring wrong for Cardano :
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

@Chainomatic @ADALove Your input weelcome

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Thanks @rin9s for letting me know about this post.

I worked at a supply chain technology company for a slice, 6 continents, 107 countries, once.
On all those continents, in all those countries, no one trusted anyone, yet business still preceded in a dark closed-system, but it still preceded.

Along comes an open business model, Cardano, making truth assured.
Business no longer has to trust the system, or the players on the other side of the transactions.

Revolutionary, yes.

Like this poster that was up in our office in the day:

That closed-supply chain technology company I worked at ran on the most open systems they could find, not because they couldn’t afford Redmond, it was trust they couldn’t afford to miscalculate.

One more for you:

Ex-Microsoft CEO Ballmer: “Linux is a cancer with Hippie GPL rubbish"

In parting let me add this if you have to revive something it means it is dying, the truth is and always will be alive.