Sent ADA without verifying with my ledger

Hi everybody! I transferred some ADA to my wallet in Adalite without verifying on my ledger and now I can see the amount been received however is not part of my balance. Any one know how I can transfer the amount to my balance or withdraw the founds?? Thanks for your time much appreciated!!

How many accounts do u have in adalite?


In my account list, I have Account 0(active) and Account 1 (Explore).

Thanks for your time

Perhaps u need to move ada from an account to other right?

Option 1. Transfer funds between accounts

The transfer buttons are there to transfer funds between accounts. It is explained in the attached documentation. If you want to transfer funds from acxount 0 to account 1, hit the transfer button next to account 1

Option 2
Simply select the Sending tab. On the right hand side, there is a column named ‘My addresses’. The shelley addresses should be shown there and begin with the addr1 prefix. You’ll want to verify the address on your device before you send to it. Under the first address shown will be an option to show more. Click on that and a box will appear with the address shown and an option to Verify on Ledger. Select that option and you’ll be able to do the verification on the device.

!!! Try a small amount first!!

Yes, unfortunately the first time that I did the transfer I send it to the wallet without verifying on the ledger, so now when I access Cardanoscan, I can see that the amount is part of the total received, however is not part of my available balance! Is there a way to withdraw that amount or a way to include it in my available balance?

As shown in the image the amount sent in red is the amount that does not appear in my available balance


These 995 ADA there are in other account on adalite ?

No, I sent it to one of the addresses in my address list in my adalite account! Looks like as I did not verify with my ledger it stuck in a limbo…

Then perhaps u should contact adalite support team

Sure thing!! Much appreciate your support! Have a great rest of your day!!

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