Trezor&Yoroi "staking rights do not match"

Trezor connected to Yoroi browser wallet. Can’t send ADA, or delegate ADA. “ADA stuck!” Trezor gives message, “Change address staking rights do not match the current account,” followed by “staking key hash,” and, “change amount.” Transactions fail. I’ve seen this posted elsewhere with no solutions, has anyone figured this out?

Someone solved it by removing/deactivating the passphrase option inside the trezor settings… please try to deactivate it and restore the trezore/wallet on

when i disable the passphrase, and load the trezor on adalite it shows my wallet has a zero balance. I’ve got 1,005 ada showing on the yoroi wallet with my trezor (that I can’t transact).

Then it seems when u created the wallet u used a passphrase, now u must remember and write it (the correct one, if not another empty wallet will be created)

no i didn’t create a passphrase

Then, I don’t know why you are not able to see the funds on

Can the staking key hash that the trezor displays after reporting, “change address staking rights do not match” be used to recover my ada or is it lost forever in trezor land?

You don’t have another trezor or u didn’t restored using the seed words recently, right?

I’ve only got this one trezor, the seed words i have on it are the only ones that have been set

Then, try to activate back the passphrase and check again on but I am sure u used a password …

I checked the passphrase with the simulated recovery, i didn’t use a password

how do i contact yoroi support, the “contact us” link on their website is “dead”

Try via yoroi app, if u are going to contact on telegram stay away from scammers… there are there waiting for you

This forum is the support site that the help links from the app send me to

@Rodriguez2 you are a scammer too :)))

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I supposedly obtain the most secure method of storing my crypto by getting a trezor, as a result it seems my crypto is lost. makes me want to call it quits

There are not lost, don’t lose your calm… try to think when u accesed last time the funds and what u did meantime…

I told u u are a scammer :))) who the fuck will offer u support on whatsap :))


I set up the trezor, interfaced it with the yoroi web client, and transferred my ada from another wallet. That’s all I’ve succeeded in doing. But I can’t send my funds or sign a delegation transaction, otherwise I get the “staking rights do not match…” It appears “my” wallet is a receive only wallet

But did u ever created a succesful transaction via trezor?