Unintstalled then reinstalled Daedalus 3 times. Still "connecting to network"

I used NORD.

Well that’s really funny: in just one reply you accuse me for bullshit, state that hundreds aren’t able like you, and that you have no idea why a vpn helped you to circumvent your personal or ISP based firewall.
The best is, you know what? There is a blockchain, called Cardano. It contains transactions from millions of users every week. It’s constantly growing because people are using it through Daedalus.

The reality is simple. The wallet is a complete mess. The user experience alone is a nightmare. Wallets are supposed to be simple and fast with the security of it built in as a lightweight protocol. I don’t want to spend 12 hours to download a wallet, deposit coins, then have to update it the next time it connects. That is insane. It would be similar to downloading the entire history of your bank statements to make a deposit or withdrawal. I’ve held off buying for now until ledger becomes avaialable or when this mess is fixed. Someone needs to address this. Seriously, if thee are enough posts that rant on and on about the same issue, there is an issue and it needs to be fixed. It makes one lose confidence in the protocol if the wallet doesn’t work in an efficne manner. This affects interest and interest affects price. Imagine if people based their expectation of transactions on the current user experience of Daedalus, would you want to “bank” or participate here? We have to be up front and honest about this so that it can be fixed. Lightweight secure wallet please!

There are technical reasons why the heavyweight wallet is developed first and the lite one later. You think Cardano set out to upset users? These are still early days, the system’s not been up for six months yet. Many people are having no problems whatsoever. Yes obviously there are issues but they’re being worked on, a lite wallet version is due out during the next couple of months, I believe.

I can understand the need for a heavy wallet from a technical perspective. However, from a go to market perspective, when the wallet a user/investor (even if a speculator) or consumer experiences issues, requires substantial time, or just a negative user experience this affects the perception of the overall platform. It’s sad I know. But in all honesty, I have several wallets for other coins and this one is the slowest and most problematic of all of them. And yet Cardano is where I think the most promise lies and where I invest the most. The wallet is just too heavy for everyday use and as transactions increase with buys and sells, it’s only going to get worse. I wish there was a ledger wallet like yesterday.

So you don’t have the ZenCash Swing Desktop Wallet then… :rofl:

Yea I thought about Zen…don’t know what stopped me. I tend to stick around the top 10 and top 5 coins. I was interested after I saw a video where Charles was discussing a research partnership. But I haven’t looked at their white paper to be honest. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll stay away from that wallet.