Thanks you Alex. It is better to use a server at either or a supplier you think ?. I have the idea of ​​using a sort of silent mini PC with 100Mb / s internet allocated for this project …

for my home producer (moved from cloud) I am using dell tiny 3070 and I am very satisfied
around 8W power consumtion

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Great, so if I understand correctly you have migrated your pool from the provider to your home.

yes, you understood well

Thank you for your answers. :+1:t3: I imagine you made the right choice in reliable hardware.
Strongly that there is more competition in Internet service provider …

when u are making 2-3 blocks per epoch… it’s not a concern reliability :)))
but I let one of my relays in cloud… just in case

This is 3rd Epoch after i put up my pool and I am yet to get any block. Any Suggestions on how to increase my chances.

Find a solution to attract delegators… what is the pool active stake?

Active stake is 2.01K

Well, u will need more active stake in order to increase the chance to create a block