as long the Relay was down, if you have only one, the Producer will not sync, wait for the Relay to sync and check the Producer after

Relay is now working again. But the producer node does not sync. When using the Guild Live View Tool it does not show any incoming or outgoing connections. I checked the topology file and it states the right IP adress for the relay node. Any ideas?

If the Relay is not working… then the Producer will not start (if u have only one relay)… what is the issue withthe relay?

I setup the relay node completely new, because the update to 1.30.1 did not work properly. Now the relay node is synced again and is working properly, but the producer is not connecting and resyncing… And I am a bit puzzled, why that doesn’t work.

Did u opened the port in relay’s fw?
Try from Producer
telnet Relay_IP Relay_port

Do u see connected?

Tried that and saw the following:
Trying Relay_IP…

Connected to Relay_IP.

Escape character is ‘^]’.

Connection closed by foreign host.

Then should be fine, type

journalctl -e -f -u cnode

What is the output (since the last restart)

Oct 21 21:31:59 ADA-Producer cnode[3531604]: Guild scripts has now been upgraded to support cardano-node 1.30.1 or higher (1.27.0 found).

Oct 21 21:31:59 ADA-Producer cnode[3531604]: Please update cardano-node (note that you should ideally update your config too) or use tagged branches for older node version.

Oct 21 21:31:59 ADA-Producer cnode[3531604]: WARN: A prior running Cardano node was not cleanly shutdown, socket file still exists. Cleaning up.

Oct 21 21:32:00 ADA-Producer cnode[3531672]: Listening on

try cd /usr/local/bin
ls -l
What is the output?

It seems u have also the old (1.27.0) binari files (cardano-node and cardano-cli) on your server

Output is:
total 161548

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 76982280 Jul 5 20:02 cardano-cli

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 88436952 Jul 5 20:02 cardano-node

Exactly, type cd . . and sudo rm -R bin
then restart the node, wait more minutes and check glive (if u type top u should see the CPU ~100%)

Cnode does not start any more. Get the following reply after start of the node and then checking the node status…

cnode.service - Cardano Node
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cnode.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2021-10-21 22:07:49 UTC; 2s ago
Process: 3539720 ExecStart=/bin/bash -l -c exec /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/cnode.sh (code=exited, status>
Main PID: 3539720 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

type again journalctl -e -f -u cnode

Now we have the same problem that was present on the relay node before I had to set it up from scratch.

Oct 21 22:11:57 ADA-Producer cnode[3543552]: AesonException “Error in $: key "AlonzoGenesisFile" not found”

Oct 21 22:11:57 ADA-Producer cnode[3543552]: cardano-node: Aeson exception:

Oct 21 22:11:57 ADA-Producer cnode[3543552]: Error in $: key “AlonzoGenesisFile” not found

ok, go to cd ~/tmp and run ./prereqs.sh -f

After, edit again the env file (cnode_port and the pool name line) and edit also the topology file and restart the node

try again with journalctl -e -f -u cnode

PS: at the end u can delete all files with _bkpxxxxxx in the name from scripts + files folder

Thank you for your help. That did the trick. Node is syncing again. Much appreciated.

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I little off topic but if you are on a dedicated server what happens when your disk runs out of space?

Clear the logs (someone deleted after 6 months ~50G free after) or expand the disk

Hypothetically let’s say 5 years have past and your db is now close to 1TB in size. Your main HDD is 1TB will the db ever be able to split physical drives. So you can add a new HDD and give the node instructions to A and B drives?

Yeah… few days ago I asked myself about this… theoretically u should install a new hard and change the path for the DB…
1TB will takes weeks for a new node to sync… I think the team is working to solve this issue (db size)