Seems, that there’s still some process running. Btw, there is only one cardano-node process, i.e. you might have 2 binaries installed: the one the service is configured with and the other one in /usr/local/bin.
Remember to update the permissions of the new Cardano-cli binaries that you place on your air gap, or else you will be unable to signoff on transactions or pool.cert changes.
I had to do the following:
Right clicked my “Cardano-cli” > Properties > permissions > check “allow executing file as a program”
Excellent info, thanks for taking your time and sharing it, this helped me a lot, I used the same steps to update to 1.32.0 and 1.32.1 versions and worked in both times., just had to change the tag version in git checkout in step 2.
can anybody help with how to send ada from your stake wallet to external wallet after the new utxo update im continuing to get this same error. Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure (FeeTooSmallUTxO (Coin 177337) (Coin 176765))))])
All my nodes are updated to 1.32.1 and my bp and relays are connected via glive showing in and outs are good. TICKER ( ADAWN) we’ve minted and have been overachieving almost every epoch please help this pool is my baby haha
The rest of the steps are the same. It takes a few hours by the sounds of it for 1.33.0 to work through the ledger on startup, so be ready (and patient) for that.
Hi jeremyisme. I tried using your method and it results in the error log below when i run the last command of cabal build cardano-node cardano-cli. Do you have any issues like mine? Thanks
By the way, i am currently on 1.32.1 and i have confirmed that my cabal version is and ghc is 8.10.7
cabal: Failed to build exe:alex from alex-3.2.6 (which is required by
test:cardano-node-test from cardano-node-1.33.0, exe:cardano-node from
cardano-node-1.33.0 and others). The failure occurred during the configure
step. The build process terminated with exit code -6
Failed to build base-compat-0.11.2 (which is required by test:cardano-cli-test
from cardano-cli-1.33.0, test:cardano-node-test from cardano-node-1.33.0 and
others). The failure occurred during the configure step. The build process
terminated with exit code -6
I didn’t see any error like that. Did you follow all of the instructions at the start of this thread? You still need to do all the normal steps listed there.
Yup, I tried recompiling 1.32.1 and it was fine. I moved on to 1.33 and the issue happened. Other than the listed error log, there are also cases that it mentioned resources exhausted. I tried stopping the node and some issues were not shown. I guess I have to do some swap
I’m having a little trouble with my BP at the moment after my build. It isn’t talking to my relay anymore…hold off if you don’t need to upgrade I suggest. Hopefully it is just me.
hi all, i resolve the issue that i faced. The swap that i added did not helped. What i believe happened was that probably my OS met with resources constraints as the cabal build was spawning too many threads that my system cant handle. For this case what i did was to exe the cabal build sequentially with only 1 job