Using Marlowe to Fix the Retirement Crises with Tontines - Inflation Proofing Income in Retirement!

Could a Marlowe contract be designed to take tontines which could protect members against the effects of inflation in retirement ? Quoting from an Article written by by JOHN MANGANARO ‘‘Modern Tontine Theorists’ Have Ideas for Retirement Savings Decumulation 18 April 2019 ’ Tontines are a type of historical annuity structure that was first put into well-documented practice as far back as the 1600s. Commonly, tontines were used by governments to fund wars or other foreign exploits, especially in France and the United Kingdom. One unique feature of early tontines was that they were often structured as closed “syndicates,” meaning that once a tontine money pool started paying out income streams, the size of the income stream going to the individuals grew each time one member of the syndicate died. By the same token, payments stopped when the last syndicate member died. The practical effect of this was that the income streams from tontines tended to start out modest and then grow to be quite large for the select few people who survived longest among the syndicate membership. The system basically had a sum of income that would stay the same each year, but it was being paid out to a shrinking group of people over time.’ Perhaps an ADA app could be designed to verify whether an individual tontine member is alive i.e once a month id checking. through an oracle… To see how a tontine could work see Dean McClelland on Real Vision Finance


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Dean was/is interested in building on Cardano. I believe he is using Haskell anyway for most of the programming. My impression after talking with Dean is that he was having a hard time getting help/coordination from IOHK for integration. He wasn’t upset, but just having a hard time breaking through and knows IOHK is busy. After my last conversation with him, he still seemed open to Cardano but was currently getting a very warm reception from another significant blockchain. I don’t want to lose Tontine Trust to another blockchain. Is it possible for IOHK to see what they can offer and facilitate with Dean?


Hi Sailguy,
Maybe Catalyst could be the way to go.

Could this project became a proposal?

They are interested, yes.

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Thanks @MalteseKnight,

I have only found this post now & felt it was necessary to set the record straight.

As you may have seen, in recent weeks the OECD suggested that Tontines should become the mandatory pensions for the 1.3 billion citizens of their 37 member countries so without a doubt this is a multi trillion Euro industry in the making in the 27 EU countries alone where from this month we are approved for launch.

There are a myriad of different use cases in this emerging tontine industry including the one you have suggested which can, should and will be made trustless using a PBC.

Cardano is definitely one of the chains that could help facilitate this whole process but whilst the Cardano Foundation sponsored a paper on this in 2018, nobody currently at the Foundation or IOHK seems to understand what you, me, @Sailguy, Maria & the OECD do.

In any case, I am still hodling my ADA.