Hello friends. I have a doubt and I feel like debating with you on this issue:
Considering the supply of ADA, stake, etc. as well as other issues. From what amount would a considerable ADA holding be considered (100K, 300K, 500K, 1M, …) ??
check out that site :
only about 1% of all the wallets got 1 mio or more ada.
Avgering at about 559k, substantial amount is in definition of the holder as the human condition factors in.
Ok. Thank you
“Substantial” lacks context and it would be driven by parameters such as a person’s income/assets/liabilities, etc. A thing that might be of interest for you to look up is the SEC definition of an ‘accredited investor’ (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/accreditedinvestor.asp).
@josma, be happy if you are able financially to make that choice until millions of ada. Unfortunately most people dont have this choice:sob:. Today i was happy to buy 376 new ada:smile:. But the more ada you and other people bpuy, the better it is for cardano and it s Adoption.