What to do with Daedalus for Macbook Migration

So I bought a new macbook and going to start migration from my old macbook. But then realized I had my ADA stored on my old macbook and don’t know what to do?

Do I just migrate and will it take everything including my privates keys?

What is the best safest way of going about moving wallets to a new computer?

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The safest way: Use Time Machine to backup the old MacBook and restore it on the new MacBook. All data including the blocks and your private keys will remain in the same place.

As long as you have the 12-word recovery phrase, your ADA is safe. You could always download the latest Daedalus wallet and sync it from scratch on your new MacBook and restore the wallet using the 12-word recovery phrase, though it is time-consuming to sync all blocks again.


Thanks. I have a feeling syncing all blocks might take days haha.

Takes a few hours for me usually