Yoroi auto login crashes yoroi

Hi Cardano community!

Basically I have been logged out of my yoroi wallet after being logged in for around 6 months and not having any issues clicking on my yoroi bookmark and going straight to the yoroi dashboard. I’m worried since I don’t think I have my seed phrase anywhere and I have a sizeable amount of ADA on there that is important to me. I know it looks bad because I see people who’s lost their seed phrases and thought what idiots but I thought I had mine at the time.

I have a log that shows some information but I don’t know what it means. I am thinking that perhaps it shows something about the error and whether I will be able to log in to my yoroi wallet in the future from my bookmark. Yes, I will definitely be creating a new wallet, getting the seed phrase and sending everything over so I won’t end up in this situation again :grimacing:

I will attach the log if I get enough people here saying that it is safe to do so as the cardano site says the information is not sensitive but I’d like some people in the community to verify first before I post the log. Safety first always!

All the best and I would really appreciate some help here.

Jonathan :slight_smile: