Yoroi - Upgrading Wallet from Byron to Shelley

After I write in the pin code the trezor it is til locked…

At which step are you stuck? Can u put a screenshot?

The firefox worked. But but it can not connect to trezor. Maybe it is the pin ? The lock is still on the trezor. But my name is on the screen.

Be carefull! You have limited PIN attempts

Brute forcing the Trezor PIN

Trezor is protected by a PIN code, which can be up to nine digits long. If a good PIN is selected, it would take hundreds of thousands of attempts to get it right. Every time a wrong PIN is entered, the waiting time between the attempts increases by a power of two. The device automatically wipes itself after 16 unsuccessful attempts.

For more information about PIN, see also Security best practices and see the Trezor blog articles here and here.

In case you lost your PIN, see You have forgotten or lost your PIN.

Check the PIN carefully! If u failed to many times you will need to recover

Also check if your trezor has the last version/firmware

Maybe Trezor Bridge needs to be updated.

Thank you !!! The brige and the trezor firmware did the job. :smile:

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Glade to hear that, time to delegate for passive incomes… I am running s pool also;
