First, I am and always will identify myself as an Occupier (based my experience with Occupy Wall Street).
Up until 6-months ago, right before the BTC breakout around May/June 2019, I would (ironically) have characterized myself strictly as “law school student.” This was my through process: If you can’t beat them, join them. So, I took out a mortgage on social, physical and emotional well being, got into a top 10 law school, set myself up for to eventually work for a corporate big law firm.
Drudging along my first semester, I became cognizant of the fact that “the law” is merely the codification of the elite’s will to use the coercive fores of government power to maintain control, get richer, and maintain the status quo.Then I read a book on a Sunday morning called Rich Dad Poor Dad (I’m sure many of you have heard, if not read it yourselves). Suddenly my vision of becoming a corporate attorney turned from and a perceived “opportunity” into a deluded reality. So I took a medical leave of absence, leveraged the debt afforded me by Uncle Sam, and began to invest in crypto. My friends laughed at me when I purchased my first coin for $6,000. I analogize the idea of crypto to, say, Ford’s assembly line or, better yet, the advent of electricity. Plus, trading crypto is more fun. There’s a social element to it as well that many others just don’t understand.
So now I’m out here on my own, pinching pennies (everything I buy now forces me to ask, "but that’s X coin I could be buying), seeking to branch out in a new world.