1.33 BP Restarts Randomly

ok changes made node restarting. can you advise me on how you see this issue ??

U have 16G but
sudo systemctl status cnode showd ~15G

Try again
sudo systemctl status cnode

yea just did that here is output… resolved EKG issue so maybe node starts now

sudo systemctl status cnode
● cnode.service - Cardano Node
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cnode.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-01-27 13:11:46 UTC; 1min 57s ago
Main PID: 75945 (bash)
Tasks: 24 (limit: 19169)
Memory: 1.8G
CGroup: /system.slice/cnode.service
├─75945 bash /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/cnode.sh
└─76446 /home/cardano/.local/bin/cardano-node +RTS -N8 -RTS run --topology /opt/cardano/cnode/files/topology.json --config /opt/cardano/cnode/files/config.json --database-path /opt/cardano/cnode/db --socket-path /opt/cardano/cnode/sockets/node0.socket --s>

Jan 27 13:11:46 xxxxx systemd[1]: Started Cardano Node.
Jan 27 13:11:51 xxxxx cnode[76446]: Node configuration: NodeConfiguration {ncNodeIPv4Addr = Just, ncNodeIPv6Addr = Nothing, ncNodePortNumber = Just 6000, ncConfigFile = “/opt/cardano/cnode/files/config.json”, ncTopologyFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/top>
lines 1-12/12 (END)

Now it’s fine… in glive u should see the CPU ~100% and the RAM slowly increasing

It was something related with the RAM, perhaps some processed being stucked… and consumed all RAM

interesting and thanks for explanation … something still off RAM not increasing…

keep it under monitoring… it will or, it should be :slight_smile:

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will revert back in 1hr and give status

status update… appears the BP is running fine and the swap update did work.

Thx as always @Alexd1985

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You are welcome, :beers:

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@Alexd1985 this issue starting again on 1.34 running fine for weeks and all of a sudden node fails on restart. Any ideas why system isnt stable?

here is output of

free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 16008 8044 157 0 7805 7627
Swap: 4095 51 4044

sudo systemctl status cnode
● cnode.service - Cardano Node
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cnode.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-06 13:34:21 UTC; 1h 2min ago
Main PID: 3195472 (bash)
Tasks: 44 (limit: 19169)
Memory: 14.3G
CGroup: /system.slice/cnode.service
├─3195472 bash /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/cnode.sh
└─3195808 /home/cardano/.local/bin/cardano-node +RTS -N8 -RTS run --topology /opt/cardano/cnode/files/topology.json --config /opt/cardano/cnode/files/config.json --database-path /opt/cardano/cnode/db --socket-path /opt/carda>

May 06 13:34:21 systemd[1]: Started Cardano Node.
May 06 13:34:22 cnode[3195472]: ERROR: You specified 12788 as your EKG port, but it looks like the cardano-node (PID: 3195657 ) is not listening on this port. Please update the config or kill the conflicting process first.
May 06 13:34:22 cnode[3195472]: WARN: A prior running Cardano node was not cleanly shutdown, socket file still exists. Cleaning up.
May 06 13:34:23 cnode[3195808]: Listening on

just restarted server and this is now some journal output that seems off

/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/cnode.sh: line 139: 1653 Killed “${CNODEBIN}” “${CPU_RUNTIME[@]}” run --topology “${TOPOLOGY}” --config “${CONFIG}” --database-path “${DB_DIR}” --socket-path “${CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH}” --shelley-kes-key “${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_HOTKEY_SK_FILENAME}” --shelley-vrf-key “${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_VRF_SK_FILENAME}” --shelley-operational-certificate “${POOL_DIR}/${POOL_OPCERT_FILENAME}” --port ${CNODE_PORT} ${MEMPOOL_OVERRIDE} “${host_addr[@]}”