Announcing Helm Charts to Run Cardano nodes in Kubernetes

Hey everyone, I am glad to finally be able to release the Cardano Helm Charts version 0.3.0 on Github!

Star the repo :star:, share, and sponsor me please! :four_leaf_clover:

Changelog for this release:

  • Ogmios is now a first-class citizen in the cardano relay node(s).
  • P2P improvement, solving item 3 in the previous vote. See discussions in 93830
  • CI runs Checkov security scan and solved most warnings.
  • Clean up Redis pub/sub and upgrade dependencies.
  • Clean up documentation and added useful command lines to installation NOTES
  • Tested on mainnet and testnet, both with and without an initial blockchain tar.gz file (see persistence.sourceFile.url documentation).
  • I increased the default PVC size for mainnet to 128 GB, since the current blockchain size is 36 GB on mainnet and it is growing fast.