Automatic NFT distribution on a website?

Hey guys, I’ve seen several sites now (unsigs, spacebudz, and others) that have a system in which you send ada to an address, something happens behind the scenes, then you get sent back an NFT and 2 ADA to cover the native token sending fee. I’m trying to create my own series of cardano NFTs, but I don’t know how that system works under the hood. Does anyone have any resources, documentation, or tips on how to do so? Thank you!

Have you already seen this?


We are using a faucet like you mention to raise funds for our hackathon prizepool, you can see it here Open Source Experiential Learning​ - ADA MakerSpace and get a Contributor Coin ($CTC) from using it. If interested you can hire ADA MakerSpace to setup and run a faucet for you.


I released an example on github, we used it to host a number of automatic distribution events. I’m happy to help you if you prefer to have us host it for you.

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Here is Haskell code that watches transactions involving a payment token at an address, and then mints new tokens in return. (Sorry it’s not thoroughly documented quite yet.)


Very nice! Do you know who is already using this? Shall we introduce it in the developer portal?

Watching a particular wallet address is definitely a big part of the solution.

We show this in the developer portal for languages like Javascript, Typescript, Python and C#:


Thank you! This is what I’m looking for