I was just wondering, is it possible to build a transaction with Cardano Serialization Lib where both payment and stake key will be required without involving any staking operation such as delegating a pool? I need this to prevent the Franken address attack.
Usually, when a build a simple transaction such as making a payment, the transaction usually requires the buyer’s payment key. Here is an example transaction I made with Cardano Serialization Lib.
// Payload from API user
const payload = {
address: 'addr_test...',
utxos: [...]
const whitelist = ['stake_test1...', 'stake12']
const paymentAddress = 'addr_test1';
const amount = 10 * 1000000
const buyerStakeAddress = RewardAddress.new(
// Franken address will get pass this
if( !whitelist.includes(buyerStakeAddress.to_address().to_bech32()) )
return false
const protocol_params = await this.get_protocol_parameters(NetworkInfo.testnet_preprod().network_id())
const linearFee = LinearFee.new(
const txBuilderCfg = TransactionBuilderConfigBuilder.new()
const txBuilder = TransactionBuilder.new(txBuilderCfg);
const inputs = TransactionUnspentOutputs.new()
payload.utxos.forEach(raw => {
Value.new( BigNum.from_str(amount.toString()) )
txBuilder.add_inputs_from(inputs, CoinSelectionStrategyCIP2.RandomImprove)
txBuilder.set_ttl(protocol_params.slot + 3600)
const body = txBuilder.build()
const witnesses = TransactionWitnessSet.new();
const auxFinal = AuxiliaryData.new()
const transaction: Transaction = Transaction.new( body, witnesses, auxFinal )
return transaction.to_hex()
But this transaction is prone to a Franken address attack as it only requires a payment key signature. How do I build a transaction that will require both payment and staking signatures from the user?