Akan diadakan workshop dengan tema “Pengenalan Mengenai Blockchain dan Cardano ” di hari Minggu, 06 Maret 2022, pukul 19:00-21:00 WIB. Dimohon partisipasinya dengan mendaftar di Meetup Cardano Hub Jakarta .
Acara dilaksanakan secara online via Zoom . Di hari Minggu, 06 Maret 2022, pukul 19:00-21:00 WIB silahkan join Zoom dan workshop akan dimulai tepat waktu.
Tema Meetup
Di dalam workshop ini kita akan membahas mengenai:
Penjelasan mengenai blockchain
Pengenalan singkat mengenai Bitcoin (1st gen) & Ethereum (2nd gen)
The event duration is 2 hours . We hosted the workshop online using Zoom . We divided the workshop into two sessions. The 1st session by @zicozibu covered about “Introduction to Blockchain & Cardano”.
After 1st session, we gave door prize and raffled two winners for it. Afterwards we continue with Q&A for 1st session.
Then in the 2nd session, @andreassosilo gave presentation about how to use blockchain explorer in Cardano (such as, cardanoscan.io & pool.pm). After that we continued with Q&A for 2nd session. It’s quite interactive discussion with lots of enthusiasm from the participants.
At the end of 2nd session, we gave reward to the best 2 questions from the participants during Q&A sessions.
We covered these topics during the workshop:
What is blockchain
Explanation about Bitcoin (1st gen) & Ethereum (2nd gen)