Akan diadakan workshop dengan tema “Diskusi Mengenai Ekosistem Cardano” di tanggal 21 November 2021, pukul 19:00-21:00 WIB. Mohon partisipasinya dengan mendaftar di Meetup Cardano Hub Jakarta.
The event duration is 1.5 hours. We hosted the workshop online using Zoom. It was divided into two session. The first session by @setyotomo covered about “General Overview” & “Opportunity vs. Risk”. While the second session by @jvincent covered about “Launchpad, DeFi Projects, ISPO”. The participants were asking lots of questions in the Q&A session. It’s quite interactive discussion with lots of enthusiasm from the participants.
We covered these topics during the workshop:
Introduction to Cardano Ecosystem
Several websites to check Cardano Ecosystem & other chain (such as, cardanocube.io)
Opportunity vs. Risk
DEX, lending, CNFT, wallet, etc.
It’s been a great event that attracts more people to learn more about Cardano Ecosystem. We will try to hold this Cardano Ecosystem Discussion more regularly in the future