Cardano pool not making transactions help

Great, so the only thing I don’t know is what to do with the KES. They should be still valid, but glive says they expired on the 2nd of October.

Nothing, you will retire the pool so you should not care anymore

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Ow yeah I meant to comment on that, I think the KES problem has to do with the not synced node. It poses no problem since you are retiring.

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You did it :beers:

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Yeah, it all worked out. I’m waiting for everything to finalize before I close the thread. It’s kinda sad retiring the pool, but I think I need to play with test net way more before jumping into mainnet.

Also I thought that with a small pledge it is almost impossible to break even on the pool.

And last question, how did you learn so much about running a cardano pool? I want to be like close to your level before I attempt doing this again.

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I just plaied with the node … but it will take time… you need to understand how the node is running, the structure, etc

And your stake address is still registered on chain so you will see that 500 ada back :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well today was the day, I got my deposit back and the pool is gone for good.
A big thanks to @Alexd1985 and @fermat for your help.

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