The addresses change all the time obviously. Not sure if anyone from the CF is keeping a eye on the addresses. A lot of this scammed cardano is going back to staking companies
At 8:18 Charles says: “We offered to write the AI to find them” and
“Within two weeks we can have a script that can find this stuff. They don’t care, they just don’t care. It’s not a priority for them”
Charles is offering to help them, but they are not interested in his help.
This is what I said. Maybe US gov has other priorities. But what about EU? Or countries with higher adoption of crypto?
True. Also, there are two sides in a «scam operation», one is about stealing cryptocurrencies. Charles Hoskinson is obviously right in saying transactions can’t be reversed on the blockchain, and most of the time it’s a good thing. However, can we really make the assumption that scammers are planning to keep stolen ADAs on the side, for their old-days ? That’s where money laundering comes into play, and I don’t know of any government who hasn’t at least one law against it. That’s what can be used where cryptocurrencies are «not a priority». Scamming is pretty straightforward, money laundering is not, it’s easy to make mistakes.
I am okay with the concept of crypto; I have learned the lesson. However, to have a more significant adoption somehow, they have to provide security measures or any type of regulations. Right now, crypto is like a jungle, with no regulations at all. If nothing happens to the scammers, many people could start to do the same without having any consequences.
It’s unfortunate but it isn’t a loss of ADA. You gave it away to a scammer. It’s not up for anyone in Cardano to make sure you don’t do foolish things. Charles and team say time after time. “We will never ask you to send us ADA, so we can send you more in return.” It’s selfish of anyone to think they owe you anything.
Hello, I don’t think she meant they owe her. It’s a simple fact that the CF could do more to protect their brand and those who believe in it. It’s not the user’s image that is taken advantage of by scammers. There isn’t much more you can do before the fact except prevention, education, awareness raising and it is already done, here and elsewhere. But it’s also true the CF could do something after the fact to protect their image. I find it a bit easy to hide behind personal responsibility, the queen decentralization or the so-called difficulty to catch those smart and evil scammers (it’s ironic). One thing for sure, when you don’t try, you cannot expect to succeed.
Thanks Raph. I don’t agree personally. I think the responsibility is on us the user.
We obviously need to spread awareness amongst ourselves as a community and sharing the scams and such is very important but sending your ADA to random places is irresponsible.
Just my opinion, doesn’t really matter that much I suppose.
The responsibility of what we own, yes, as for the scammers, every individual will never get the same weight or fighting chance as a federating entity. Letting scams be done on your behalf without trying to fight it is not much better than being complicit. As harsh as it may sound, to me the Cardano project should be held to higher standards than every other crypto project. The world will not be changed by inertia.
Not any less than mine.
just last night i fell for it too. lost 3600ADA.