CIP Proposal for discussion “Market CNFT policyID verification”
Simple Summary
A community standard for market CNFT policyID verification utilizing a no name asset with tag 808 correlated with an augmented ADA Handle (Handle), both referring to each other. Handle correlation relies on the future release of augmented Handles and their support for adding policyID’s. Failing augmented Handles, additional social media tags could be added for semi manual verification. The current verification system would be a fallback for artists without a Handle or those choosing not to participate.
This proposed standard will allow for verification of CNFT policyID’s across the secondary market space. Consumers are aware of Handles and prominent artists have already chosen to display those Handles on social media platforms. Being similar to CIP-0027, the ecosystem is already familiar with part of this proposal.
CNFT marketplaces struggle to keep up with verifying new collection policyID’s due to the influx of new artists and projects. This standard would relieve the market spaces from verifying new policyID’s and would instead display the Handle of the artist who owns the collection. From here the consumer is left to do their due diligence. This process also provides the marketplace with the collection name and possibly an Avatar\PFP if one is available in the augmented Handle. A marketplace could even choose to only allow assets to be listed if they come from a wallet that has the corresponding Handle. Additional social media tags could be added for out of band manual verification like Twitter, Discord etc.
A new tag of 808 is proposed for this implementation.
The 808 verification tags are to be written to an unnamed asset, using the policy to be used for the intended Cardano Assets. 2) Updates or rewrites are allowed. 3) Within this created asset will be the metadata for verification. It will use a tag of 808, and then have four tags to identify the name of the collection, the name of the artist, the Handle, and contact. Those tags will be “collection”, “artist”, “handle” and “contact” respectively. 4) The “collection”, “artist” and “handle” key tags can be any base-16 value or array. “contact” can be a base-16 array of social media user names. By allowing for an array, any tag can exceed the per line 64 character limitation and include other encoded characters. 5) The artist adds the corresponding policyID to a list in the augmented Handle. 6) All markets will be instructed to look for the latest minted 808 asset on a policy and cross reference the Handle and policyID between the 808 asset and augmented Handle. If they match, the project is either flagged as verified, the Handle is displayed or the avatar\PFP is displayed or all of the above.
Example JSON with string
{ “808”: { “collection”: “416c6f6861”, “artist”: “c49277652068c4816e6175206f206b6120cabbc481696e612e”, “handle”: “2468656c65”}, “contact”: [“74776974746572”, “646973636f7264”, “66616365626f6f6b”] }
Example JSON with array
{ “808”: { “collection”: “416c6f6861”, “artist”: [ “48c4816e6175206b6120cabbc481696e612c2068c4816e6175206b652061”, “6c69cabb692c2068c4816e6175206b65206b616e616b612e” ], “handle”: “2468656c65” }, “contact”: [“74776974746572”, “646973636f7264”, “66616365626f6f6b”] }
Process Flow
Create policy for planned assets. 2) Mint no name asset with 808 metadata. 3) Mint planned assets using this same policy. 4) Existing policies can mint an appropriate 808 asset. 5) The policyID is added to the augmented Handle. 6) The 808 asset can be burned.
By creating a new tag for the distinct purpose of policyID verification, Cardano Asset makers, and Marketplaces can uniformly verify their policyID’s with predictable results. By creating the instructions on a single, no name asset, all marketplaces will know the correct location of the policyID verification asset, without having to further locate it. By enforcing the requirement of honoring only the latest mint, cardano artists can move or change their Handle and if necessary, update the artist and collection name. It is easy to work with this new standard, and does not require an in depth understanding of smart contracts. The relationship from policyID to Handle in 1 to 1 however the relationship of Handle to policyID can be one to many. Marketplaces could choose to have these automated collections queue into a human review.
20220209 21:24 Discussion on Discord in Blade adahandle channel:
Special thanks to gorath for suggestions on making additional tags available for manual verification or those not wanting to use a Handle.
Thanks to BenOJosh for asking hard questions.