line 147: : command not found

After doing some weekly maintenance on my nodes, I got stuck with this error on my BP. Tried rebuilding the node but came back with the same error. Any ideas?

× cnode.service - Cardano Node
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cnode.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2023-06-17 20:18:46 EDT; 18min ago
    Process: 214987 ExecStart=/bin/bash -l -c exec /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 214987 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 16ms

Jun 17 20:18:46 $$$$$$$systemd[1]: cnode.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Jun 17 20:18:46 $$$$$$$systemd[1]: Stopped Cardano Node.
Jun 17 20:18:46 $$$$$$$systemd[1]: cnode.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jun 17 20:18:46 $$$$$$$systemd[1]: cnode.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 17 20:18:46 $$$$$$$systemd[1]: Failed to start Cardano Node.

Jun 16 18:10:26 $$$$$$$cnode[2591111]: basename: missing operand
Jun 16 18:10:26 $$$$$$$cnode[2591111]: Try 'basename --help' for more information.
Jun 16 18:10:26 $$$$$$$cnode[1319822]: Shutting down..
Jun 16 18:10:26 $$$$$$$cnode[1319822]: Node configuration: NodeConfiguration {ncSocketConfig = SocketConfig {ncNodeIPv4Addr = Last {getLast = Just}, ncNodeIPv6Addr = Last {getLast = Nothing}, ncNodePortNumber = Last {getLast = Just 6001}, ncSocketPath = Last {getLast = Just (SocketPath {unSocketPath = "/opt/cardano/cnode/sockets/node0.socket"})}}, ncConfigFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/config.json", ncTopologyFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/topology.json", ncDatabaseFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/db", ncProtocolFiles = ProtocolFilepaths {byronCertFile = Nothing, byronKeyFile = Nothing, shelleyKESFile = Just "/opt/cardano/cnode/priv/pool/Fresh/hot.skey", shelleyVRFFile = Just "/opt/cardano/cnode/priv/pool/Fresh/vrf.skey", shelleyCertFile = Just "/opt/cardano/cnode/priv/pool/Fresh/op.cert", shelleyBulkCredsFile = Nothing}, ncValidateDB = False, ncShutdownConfig = ShutdownConfig {scIPC = Nothing, scOnSyncLimit = Just NoShutdown}, ncProtocolConfig = NodeProtocolConfigurationCardano (NodeByronProtocolConfiguration {npcByronGenesisFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/byron-genesis.json", npcByronGenesisFileHash = Nothing, npcByronReqNetworkMagic = RequiresNoMagic, npcByronPbftSignatureThresh = Nothing, npcByronApplicationName = ApplicationName {unApplicationName = "cardano-sl"}, npcByronApplicationVersion = 1, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionMajor = 3, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionMinor = 0, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionAlt = 0}) (NodeShelleyProtocolConfiguration {npcShelleyGenesisFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/shelley-genesis.json", npcShelleyGenesisFileHash = Nothing}) (NodeAlonzoProtocolConfiguration {npcAlonzoGenesisFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/alonzo-genesis.json", npcAlonzoGenesisFileHash = Nothing}) (NodeConwayProtocolConfiguration {npcConwayGenesisFile = "/opt/cardano/cnode/files/conway-genesis.json", npcConwayGenesisFileHash = Nothing}) (NodeHardForkProtocolConfiguration {npcExperimentalHardForksEnabled = False, npcTestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestShelleyHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestAllegraHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestMaryHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestAlonzoHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestBabbageHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestBabbageHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestConwayHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestConwayHardForkAtVersion = Nothing}), ncDiffusionMode = InitiatorAndResponderDiffusionMode, ncSnapshotInterval = DefaultSnapshotInterval, ncExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = False, ncMaxConcurrencyBulkSync = Nothing, ncMaxConcurrencyDeadline = Just 2, ncLoggingSwitch = True, ncLogMetrics = True, ncTraceConfig = TracingOnLegacy (TraceSelection {traceVerbosity = NormalVerbosity, traceAcceptPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceBlockFetchClient = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceBlockFetchDecisions = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceBlockFetchProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceBlockFetchServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockchainTime = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainDB = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceChainSyncBlockServer = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceChainSyncClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncHeaderServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceConnectionManager = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceConnectionManagerCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceConnectionManagerTransitions = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDebugPeerSelectionInitiatorTracer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDebugPeerSelectionInitiatorResponderTracer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDiffusionInitialization = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDnsResolver = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDnsSubscription = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceErrorPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceForge = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceForgeStateInfo = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceHandshake = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceInboundGovernor = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceInboundGovernorCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceInboundGovernorTransitions = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceIpSubscription = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceKeepAliveClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLedgerPeers = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalChainSyncProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalConnectionManager = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalErrorPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalHandshake = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalInboundGovernor = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalMux = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalRootPeers = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalStateQueryProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxMonitorProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxSubmissionServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceMempool = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceMux = OnOff {isOn = False}, tracePeerSelection = OnOff {isOn = False}, tracePeerSelectionCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePeerSelectionActions = OnOff {isOn = False}, tracePublicRootPeers = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxInbound = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxOutbound = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxSubmissionProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxSubmission2Protocol = OnOff {isOn = False}}), ncTraceForwardSocket = Nothing, ncMaybeMempoolCapacityOverride = Nothing, ncProtocolIdleTimeout = 5s, ncTimeWaitTimeout = 60s, ncAcceptedConnectionsLimit = AcceptedConnectionsLimit {acceptedConnectionsHardLimit = 512, acceptedConnectionsSoftLimit = 384, acceptedConnectionsDelay = 5s}, ncTargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100, ncTargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100, ncTargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50, ncTargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20, ncEnableP2P = DisabledP2PMode, ncPeerSharing = NoPeerSharing}
Jun 16 18:10:31 $$$$$$$cnode[2591105]:   Sending SIGINT to cardano-node process..
-- Boot b42052049c284599bdea5066c2ee3527 --
Jun 16 18:11:11 $$$$$$$cnode[2840]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:12:12 $$$$$$$cnode[3883]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:13:12 $$$$$$$cnode[4062]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:14:12 $$$$$$$cnode[4224]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:15:12 $$$$$$$cnode[4414]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:27:42 $$$$$$$cnode[6356]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:28:42 $$$$$$$cnode[6525]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:29:43 $$$$$$$cnode[6726]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:30:43 $$$$$$$cnode[6912]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 16 18:31:43 $$$$$$$cnode[7081]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 17 19:52:08 $$$$$$$cnode[211318]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 17 19:53:08 $$$$$$$cnode[211617]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 17 19:54:08 $$$$$$$cnode[211809]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 17 19:55:09 $$$$$$$cnode[211992]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 17 19:56:09 $$$$$$$cnode[212170]: /opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/ line 147: : command not found
Jun 17 20:13:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214311]: InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException "Yaml file not found: "))
Jun 17 20:13:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214311]: cardano-node: YAML exception:
Jun 17 20:13:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214311]: Yaml file not found:
Jun 17 20:14:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214471]: InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException "Yaml file not found: "))
Jun 17 20:14:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214471]: cardano-node: YAML exception:
Jun 17 20:14:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214471]: Yaml file not found:
Jun 17 20:15:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214667]: InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException "Yaml file not found: "))
Jun 17 20:15:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214667]: cardano-node: YAML exception:
Jun 17 20:15:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214667]: Yaml file not found:
Jun 17 20:16:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214820]: InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException "Yaml file not found: "))
Jun 17 20:16:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214820]: cardano-node: YAML exception:
Jun 17 20:16:45 $$$$$$$cnode[214820]: Yaml file not found:
Jun 17 20:17:46 $$$$$$$cnode[215005]: InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException "Yaml file not found: "))
Jun 17 20:17:46 $$$$$$$cnode[215005]: cardano-node: YAML exception:
Jun 17 20:17:46 $$$$$$$ cnode[215005]: Yaml file not found: