you mean like a Postman Collection file you can import to postman? If so, I’m not sure there is one. I got stuck trying to hit the Explorer and Wallet api’s so I’m going to post about that. config&setup issues galore.
wondering if other people have run these ^^ successfully yet.
Even got same error when running cardano-nodee
[cardano-sl.production:Info:ThreadId 4] [2019-02-20 10:44:25.75 UTC] using configurations: ConfigurationOptions {cfoFilePath = “lib/configuration.yaml”, cfoKey = “default”, cfoSystemStart = Nothing, cfoSeed = Nothing}
[cardano-sl.node:Error:ThreadId 4] [2019-02-20 10:44:25.75 UTC] logException: ConfigurationParseFailure “lib/configuration.yaml” (InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException “Yaml file not found: lib/configuration.yaml”)))
cardano-node-simple: ConfigurationParseFailure “lib/configuration.yaml” (InvalidYaml (Just (YamlException “Yaml file not found: lib/configuration.yaml”)))
Build connectScripts.mainnet.wallet as mentioned above
state-wallet-mainnet/tls/client (or testnet). You can also use state-wallet-mainnet/curl as a curl wrapper already using the certs.