Cardano-keygen and other attributes

Hey everyone, I’m trying to dive into some of the functions available with Cardano SL CLI. I built the connect-to-mainnet script and I’m able to run that just fine.

Now, according the to docs there should be a cardano-keygen executable available:

The build from source guide mentions:

NOTE: the various other Cardano components can be obtained through other attributes:

cardano-analyzer, cardano-dht-keygen, cardano-genupdate, cardano-keygen, cardano-launcher, cardano-addr-convert, cardano-cli-docs, cardano-block-gen, cardano-post-mortem

But I don’t know how to access or build these other attributes, particularly cardano-sl-tools-static, which seems to be what I need. I assume it can be done with nix-build, but I am new to nix. Anyone know how this is done?

I prefer Stack with Nix for system libraries (mixed mode). nix-build approach is also described there.

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For everyone else’s reference, I was able to get this working by building with the mixed mode and using “stack exec” before the command. So…

$ stack exec cardano-keygen …