Difference in PoS algorithms between Cardano, EOS and NEO

I’m sure @vantuz-subhuman will provide an outstanding answer.
Not sure who is able to read into details of multiple projects, while they are still under development, and so effective facts are available in parts.

In the meantime I consider this one as a good (non-tech) read, in order to understand Cardano’s Ouroboros key points. (It’s an answer to an accusation, from EOS side, linked at the beginning of the answer)

Based on this introduction to Ouroboros there are two significant evolutions named Praos and Genesis.
In short the differences to Praos are

Btw: just today Praos is under peer-review at crypto2018 in Israel: https://paymentweek.com/2018-1-23-proof-stake-protocol-ouroboros-praos-accepted-eurocrypt-2018/
Genesis was just announced and if it keeps his promises, it should solve the first time the fundamental doubt’s on PoS blockchains. @maki.mukai wrote a great summary about the 45min video presentation.
Summary: Ouroboros Genesis