I am trying to ( Transfer the public key to your remote node. Update the keyname .)
with this command: sudo ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/.pub cardano@server.public.ip.address
I did put my public Ip adress after @ . What more do i have to modify?
I am trying to ( Transfer the public key to your remote node. Update the keyname .)
with this command: sudo ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/.pub cardano@server.public.ip.address
I did put my public Ip adress after @ . What more do i have to modify?
Did you check out that guide? Hardening an Ubuntu Server - CoinCashew
Yes I did, but I don’t know what I should write where it says in the command
where it says keyname * in the command
I dont wanna be mean but you probably should reconsider if you wanna run a stakepool if you are missing basic linux and server administration skills because you might loose all your funds if you dont know what you are doing.
Thank you, for your advice and help, it’s appreciated. I am studying everyday and I will continue the studying until I have all the skills required to operate a stake pool, in the most secure manner.
Best wishes,